Our social commitment

At Inibsa, we are committed to society.

We believe that we must not only provide business value, but also social value.

Because what enriches society, enriches us. As a company, as people and as professionals.

The 3 elements of our social commitment:

  1. Projects that benefit our social environment

  2. Scientific projects focussed on innovation and knowledge

  3. Ensuring that all our activities and processes protect the environment.

Commitment also begins at home, with each of us.

That is why we are involved with our employees, promoting a good environment, healthy habits and their personal and professional development:

  • Promotion of measures for a good work-life balance.
  • Courses and ongoing training.
  • Occupational health and safety plans.

We are truly commited to the health and safety of our employees. That is why we have introduced an OHS (Occupational Health and Safety) management system that allows us to eliminate, minimise and control the occupational risks involved in the processes and activities we perform.

At the same time, we carry out training and awareness-raising actions to reduce accidents in the workplace. And we care about improving their quality of life through promoting healthy lifestyles.

We also use the services of companies with workers at risk of exclusion.

This is our social commitment.

A responsibility to today’s society and to future generations.


And we demonstrate this through small actions such as:


Participation in the Magic Line 2024 with a donation of 5000 euros.


Working with Fundació Somni dels Nens to help children with cancer or chronic illnesses.


Fundació Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL) sponsorship: supporting patients with any hereditary condition resulting in gastrointestinal tumors.


Financial collaboration by Inibsa employees to support individuals at risk of food insecurity.


Activities in the
rest of the world

Donation of products for charitable activities to dentists through our local distributor ROV DENTAL.

Donation to Fundo iMM-Laço, which fights breast cancer.

Collaboration with The Moroccan Association of Oral Prevention (AMPBD) to promote oral hygiene and access to oral health through our local distributor Hemolab.

Our commitment to protecting the environment

At Inibsa, we have implemented a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as the generation of CO2. To do this, we have established the efficient use of supplies as a criterion for new projects under development.

For gas consumption, we have replaced the old steam boilers with latest generation ones, allowing us to improve performance and reduce consumption.


We are also strongly committed to green and sustainable energy through the installation of 1,200 kWp through a self-consumption photovoltaic plant. This will provide us with around 20% of our annual energy needs and will mean a reduction of 640,000 kg of CO2 or the equivalent of around 10,000 trees.

We are also replacing our fleet of combustion engine vehicles for others that are more sustainable. And in terms of recycling, our company recycles different materials, among which over 50 tonnes of paper annually.

With all these measures, we are committed to the environment and to a more sustainable future.

Non-financial audit info

Through this document you will access the necessary information to understand the evolution of Inibsa and the impact of its activity with respect to environmental and social issues, respect for human rights and the fight against corruption and bribery. Likewise, we inform you of the policies related to equal treatment and opportunities between women and men, non-discrimination and inclusion of people with disabilities.

